
Friday, 22 May 2009

Friday Fill-In #125 we go!

1. Moving is something that currently occupies many of my thoughts, since that's what my family and I are in the process of at the moment.

2. The truth will set you free.

3. My best quality is listening.

4. Please, give me all the details I can't do your tax without them.

5. In nearly 10 years, I have moved house nearly 5 times (the current move will be the 5th).

6. Less stress is what I need right now!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to preparing my bedroom wall for painting, tomorrow my plans include moving boxes and painting my bedroom wall and Sunday, I want to plan GNG for this week, enjoy the fellowship, teaching and worship at church and have a relaxing afternoon, hopefully doing some cross stitch and watching a movie on DVD!


Yvonne said...

Moving can be very stressful! Good luck and have a great weekend!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Good luck with your move, and I hope you do get to have a relaxing Sunday.

Marites said...

have fun with your move:) it can be stressul. HOpe you'll have a good weekend too.

Mariposa said...

In today's world...too many distractions...a person who knows how to listen is such a blessing to have around!

Love your fill-ins...

Americanising Desi said...

good luck !! :)
happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate moving! I always lose something, and getting all the utilities transferred is such a hassle! and to have moved that much, Yikes! Make sure to take time to de-stress :-)

Have a great weekend!

Julie said...

Yes, good luck with moving & try to have a good weekend:)

Unknown said...

So sorry you are moving (or should that be congratulations?) since I consider it worse than hemorrhoids. lol! :)