
Friday, 8 May 2009

Friday Fill-in #123

Last week I was sick with a cold (not swine flu) and not using the computer, but here I am back again this week. we go!

1. Apples are to oranges as cats are to dogs (actually, to be honest, I have no idea).

2. Moving is stressful and that's all I have to say about that.

3. I think I hear someone coming this way.

4. I love our national flag but I would like to change our national anthem to something that actually means something to current day Australians, and was written by an Aussie.

5. Do what you want to do, but keep in mind that everything has consequenses.

6. Dan looked over his shoulder and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with rusty nails.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to celebrating the settlement of the house my parents have bought, tomorrow my plans include something, but what I'm not sure and Sunday, I want to get back into planning for Good News Gang, enjoy being at church again after missing it last week, and resting!


Marites said...

I don't have any idea yet about #1 too :D just curious, your national anthem was written by what nationality?

My fill-ins will be up in a little while:)

Anonymous said...

OMG... I hate moving! Every once in a while, I think I'd like a cheaper place, or just a change in general, then I think about all the work... packing, changing utilities, etc... and I decide to stay put. This house will probably have to fall in on me before I'll move!

Have a great weekend!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Enjoy celebrating with your parents, and have a peaceful weekend. Rusty nails?

Megan, Life Revamped said...

i was stumped finding analogy for apples & oranges, and it came to me, there's no alagogy!

im with ya , too, on #5!

happy weekend with your fam!

i'm babie said...

great answers!

Julie said...

I totally agree with #1, have 2 of both & they are the same, but also very different! Happy weekend:)

CJ said...

Good luck on the move and the resting! I hope one is short and the other long!

Mine is here.cjh

Aisling said...

I had a cold at the beginning of this week, and I was with someone last week whose daughter just got back from Mexico and was on the same flight as the first UK couple who tested positive.

annies home said...

you got that right about moving

Anonymous said...

I'm preparing to move at the moment so I am so with you on that! Happy Weekend :)

Billy Rhythm said...

Moving stinks!

eMelectric said...

#5 is v. true. Enjoy celebrating your move and have a lovely weekend!

Andrea said...

Ohh..I hate moving! Its alway such a pain!

Janet said...

I'll probably be moving not looking forward to that :-)

Liz said...

Great fill ins!
I will have to google your national anthem...curious now!

Monica said...

I am about 85% done moving. How far are you going?