
Saturday 18 December 2010

Blogging in 2011

I really enjoyed the reading challenges that I participated in this year, so for 2011 I'm joining another one. This challenge is hosted by 'Seasons of Humility', and is called 'The Contentment Reading Challenge 2011'.

create your own banner at!

The purpose of this challenge is to re-read some of the books that are already on your shelves, and be content with things you have rather than keeping on buying new books. There are a few different levels to this challenge, but I have decided to go for the highest and re-read 20 books from my shelf.

If you would like to join in please have a look at the guidelines.


I've also been thinking about doing something of my own for next year, but I'm not going to tell you about it yet, because I haven't quite worked it out. Let me just say that it sort of springs from a song from 'The Sound of Music'.

1 comment:

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and joining the challenge! Looking forward to 2011! :)

And you've got me quite curious about what you're planning for your blog in regards to "The Sound of Music"... ;) Sounds fun!


"Seasons of Humility"