Very soon, within 2 months, I'll be moving!
Not my blog, that's staying right where it is.
Moving house!!
My parents have bought a house in the area where we have been renting for 5 years. It's a little further out as far as distance from the CBD of Melbourne, but that's fine with me. I can still catch the train easily when I want to, but we feel a bit more like we are in the country. That's a good thing because I'm a country girl at heart.
The best thing is that I will finally have my own room instead of having to share with my youngest sister. The other great things are that I can hang pictures on the walls with permanent hooks and I can rearrange and redecorate to my heart's content (within reason, of course).
This is just the motivation for starting that correspondence Interior Design Course that I've been dreaming about since I was 16. It's also motivation for getting on with the patchwork doona cover that I've been planing for 10 years. The carpet in the new house is a lovely blue colour, and the quilt will match it beautifully.
We're planning on measuring all the rooms and noting where windows, powerpoints and other fixtures are so that I can make up scaled drawings of the rooms and furniture to work out the best arrangements. I will particularly be doing this for my room and the lounge room. The lounge room really needs it because the entry comes straight into it and we want to have some kind of division between entry and family area. I'm thinking that the couch will end up becoming a 'wall' since we don't want any permanent structures there. I'm also thinking an open bookshelf or something like that. Mum and Dad don't want to purchase any more furniture, so that will limit things to a certain extent.
The house is almost new, being only 2 1/2 years old. That's meant there aren't any curtains in most of the bedrooms and no window coverings in the bathrooms. I'm excited that I get to pick what I want. I'm assuming that Mum and Dad will have a budget and if I want something that costs more I'll have to chip in, but that doesn't bother me. I'd rather get something that I love than settling for something I can just live with.
When I've got things organised I'll post some photos up, but in the meantime stay tuned for updates.
I'm thinking a trip to Ikea is in order very, very soon!