
Thursday, 20 February 2014

ACRBA Tour - From Eden with Love by Ray Hawkins

17 - 21 February 2014
is introducing

From Eden with Love by 

Even Before Publishing


Ray Hawkins

About the Book
Be taken on a tour of the Majesty of Marriage through 31 days of 'From Eden with Love.'

Discover the Heavenly mystery underpinning the meaning of the Christian Marriage.

About the Author

Ray Hawkins, retired after over 40 years as a Churches of Christ minister, enjoys sharing themes from the Scriptures through Devotional writing. Married to Mary, multi-published inspirational romance author, they have three children and five grandchildren. Ray shares his insights in his first two books on Marriage and Children with more ideas to come about ministry and much more. Living in Beauty Point Tasmania Ray heads up a new Christian Fellowship as well as doing relief preaching, community work and writing.

My Thoughts:

I really like Ray's devotional books, but I wasn't sure about reading this one because I'm not married and have no prospects. However, I found many things that are still relevant for me as a single woman.

Some things I read are things I can put into practice in the relationships I have with other people, while other things are tucked away in my mind to prepare myself for marriage (one day, I hope).

Saturday, 8 February 2014

A George Bailey Moment

No, not the Australian Cricketer, the character from that classic movie watched by millions of people each Christmas, 'It's A Wonderful Life'.

Not that I wish I had never been born - life is too interesting for that. And I'm not suicidal. A woman just has certain questions that need to be put into words, and thoughts that must be expressed even if there are currently no answers.

When your 32nd birthday is almost upon you and life has not gone how you thought it might, and if you were only allowed 2 words to describe the previous year and they are 'isolation' and 'loneliness' ... hence the George Bailey moment.

So for those of you who I actually know out of cyber space, these questions and thoughts are for you.

If I was to suddenly disappear, would you even notice I wasn't there?

Of course if I didn't show up for work or the ministries I am a part of you would, but what about in a purely social setting?

When in the past 10 years (because that is how long I've been in my current location) were you the one to approach me, not because you needed me to do something, but because you just wanted to chat and find out how  I was going?

When did you invite me to something, not because I just happened to be standing with another person you were asking or because it was the socially acceptable thing to do, but because you actually wanted me there?

If I wasn't at church one Sunday, did you check up on me to see if I was OK?

Is it really that hard to add one more person into your circle of friends?

Why is it that you tell people about how 'wonderful' a friend I am, but don't actually take the time to be a real friend to me?

Why am I the only one making an effort at friendship?

What would you do if I stopped being friendly towards you? Would you try to find out why or just go back to your original circle of friends?

To be perfectly honest, I'm tired of trying to be friends with you without any hope of returned friendship.

I hate feeling this way when my birthday is upon me.

I just need a few real friends - ones who are around and there for me.
I love it that my best friend is serving God in another part of the world, but it's very lonely without her.

So, my challenge to you is - will you think about the people around you; the ones who are offering friendship, but you don't have time for?
They could be the best friends you will ever have, but you're missing it because you won't reach out to them.

Friday, 7 February 2014

2014 TBR Pile Challenge - January Update

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Hmmm ... I had almost forgotten about this with the beginning of the new school year.

Let's see which books I read in January.

    • Inspirational Romance Reader: Historical Collection Vol. 2 by Brenda Bancroft, Kate Blackwell, JoAnn A Grote and Sally Laity
    • Betrayal on the Border by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
    • Redeeming Sarah's Present by Mildred Colvin
    • Perfect Ways by Jeri Odell
    • Inspirational Romance Reader: Historical Collection Vol. 1 by Colleen L Reece, Maryn Langer, Norene Morris and Tracie Peterson
    • Blues Along the River by Sandra Robbins
    • Romance at Rainbow's End by Colleen L Reece
    So there you are, of the 29 books originally listed I have read 7! Not a bad start!