
Monday 19 November 2012

ACRBA Tour - Bethlehem's Warrior Baby by Ray Hawkins

9 - 23 November

is introducing

(Even Before Publishing November 2012)

About the Author:

Ray Hawkins

Ray Hawkins, retired after over 40 years as a Churches of Christ minister, enjoys sharing themes from the Scriptures through Devotional writing. Married to Mary, multi-published inspirational romance author, they have three children and five grandchildren. Ray shares his insights in his first two books on Marriage and Children with more ideas to come about ministry and much more. Living in Beauty Point Tasmania Ray heads up a new Christian Fellowship as well as doing relief preaching, community work and writing.

Book Description:

Bethlehem's Warrior (31 Day Devotional)

Short Book Description: In 31 daily devotional meditations Bethlehem's Warrior
Baby takes you out of a sentimental nativity scene and into a contest with
eternal significance.

It walks you through God's promise in Genesis 3:15 of Someone coming and the
clues to His identity in the old Testament. You become aware that in the
Christmas event that 'Someone' has come.

I believe Christmas is the culmination of Heaven's countdown to reclaim men,
women and creation from the tyranny of sin, death and Satan. The cost involved
to God to achieve this should make the reader bow in awe and gratitude.
My Thoughts:

I haven't finished reading this yet, but I'm getting so much out of it. Ray has linked Old Testament prophecy with Christ's coming in a variety of ways. Many things are thought provoking, and have been about things that I have been thinking about and learning in other ways.
This is not just a devotional book to be read at Christmas, although reading it at this time of year is a wonderful reminder of what the Christmas season is really about.
Get a copy, start reading and listen to what God has to say to you through this.
After reading this, I really want to read some of Ray's other devotional books.


Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to reading this! xx

Dale Harcombe said...

It is definitely a thought provoking book, Beth.